This is winter, mid of January. 7:30pm. Sun has already set as per it’s own time, dark night is about to come. I am little confused what to do. As this is Saturday and I have a lazy week-end ahead. So i want to schedule my weekend as best as I can. Can i make the night little longer? Can I make a delay on sun-rise? Can I make the winter 3-4 degree hotter than what it is now? No, I can’t. But I can make my night little long, I can make my rising little late, I can make my room little hot with the heater. So we have complete control on us but we don't have the control of our surroundings. Oh Really!

Everyday at a particular time Sun rises from east and evening at a particular time it sets at the west. Does the sun ever feel to go for a lazy late rising? Opps! you all are well educated. I am sorry, it’s my mistake. It is not the sun rises, it is the Earth who moves. Okay fine, I accepted. But how this big earth moves so punctually and perfectly around the sun? It has the particular-time for each single rotation, 356 days 5 hrs, 52mins. Not only that, earth moves around its own axis within a particular-time, 23hrs, 56mins, 4secs, a day for us. Again, not only that, the angle of incline axis of earth also remains same always, 66.5 degree. Not only the earth, sun also moves within its own galaxy in a particular-time (didn’t remember the number). Not only that, the galaxy also moves by a universal force in a particular-time. Did you find that? Yes, ‘particular-time’. The universe, the galaxy, the sun, the earth all are performing their assigned task in a frame of particular-time. And we all living beings on the earth, don't you think, are also performing our assigned task in a particular-time?

Most of my friends are not agreed with me. As per them, after taking birth, human being are free, they work as per their intelligence, they live as per their life-style and they die as per the work they did throughout their life. Okay! Let’s take a pause here. Just think about all those, whom we know so long, did they work as per the intelligence? did the live their life as they wished? Life is not a start or finish the journey of a soul. This is just a part of a journey, which can be visible by human beings. The road is much more longer, which we cant able to seen. We don't have answer from where the soul of a new-born baby come on the earth at a particular-time, we don't have answer where it will go after taking a death from the earth at a particular-time. But don't you think if the entire Universe has a schedule to perform every task so perfectly, we all must have a schedule also to perform our tasks.

We all are just instrument to perform a particular task at particular time. All are under a perfect schedule of Supreme Power. The creation, destruction or the performance of all the cosmic manifestations are under the guidance of the Supreme soul. All are assigned to perform at a particular-time. We are running lots of races, sometimes for survival, sometimes for passion, sometimes for greed. We cheat people, we hurt people, we even destroy people, just to win the race. But we will win only-if it has been assigned to us. We are competing to have the best cake from everywhere. We ignore emotion, we overlook responsibilities, we insult relations’ feelings, just to have the desire cake. But we will get only-if it has been assigned to us. From a 100m sports-game to MNC job-interview, every where we are running, from annual-marks to monthly-salary every where we are competing. From catching auto to buying a Mercedes, each and every steps of life we are fighting hard, just want to create a special benefit for ourself. Just have a rest and see the entire world around you. We are not the creator of anything. We cant change anything. In this whole Universe, Nothing is happening without a purpose, without a single instruction from supreme power, without a particular time-schedule. Again, we all are just instrument to perform particular task at particular time.