Branding or create a reputation for the Brand is a strong desire for most of us, specially who are belong to Fashion industry. From the designer, photographer, makeup-artist or individual model, branding has it’s importance to all of us. For the startup or the well-established merchandise, create, nature and protect your brand are the most fundamental activities. But what does the Brand or branding mean? is it just a name or more than that? Which parameters of Branding is most sensitive and needs highest attention? Let’s see. Brand has four basic components. 1. Brand Identity, 2. Brand slogan, 3. Brand commitment, 4. Brand Perception. Brand Identity is nothing but the Brand name and the logo, which will help to identify your brand visually and legally. This is the initial and most commonly known process on Branding, which everyone does. A direct activity from Brand Brand Slogan is actually the written representation on Brand Vision. Which area Brand getting projected, who are revenue or promotion generator for the brand, and what the emotion brand carries are show-cased by it’s Slogan. A direct activity from Brand, important but unfortunately most of the Brands ignore it at initial stage. Brand Commitment is the a higher-level of Brand awareness. This is nothing but the reputation Brand holds. The promise, which brand assures on quality of product or services. This is very sensitive and A direct activity from Brand. Brand demands premium-price based on the assurance on Reputation, that is Brand commitment. Above all, Brand Perception. We are human beings, creatures of emotions. We have certain emotions to certain brands. These emotions lead us to take decision on the Brand acceptance or rejection. This is most sensitive and most important Brand components among all, Brand Perception. How you are feeling and what you are talking to others on certain brands comes under Brand Perception. This is direct activity from Consumer, not from Brand itself. This is most neglected section for most of the Brand Creations. However, If you want to be successful on your Brand Creation, you have to put maximum effort on the refection of your Brand from consumers’ emotion, that is Brand Perception.