Couple of days before, I was in very much struggle, mostly mental, which was affecting my physical and personal life too. Struggling from the situation around me, struggling for the people around me, struggling with the relation around me. Everyday I was finding my relation doing wrong to me again and again, sometimes intentional and some time unintentional. But both were making me unhappy, both making me angry, both making me cry. I was in such a position, neither I could change my situation nor able to ask question to the situation. I left with no ways.

I didn't want to share my situation with others. Because mostly others want to have the information, specially spices, rather than giving the effective solution or suggestion. And the friends, who care, are there to blame to my situation only.

Then one night, I was alone in bed. I close my eyes and I was trying to connect with the problem. I put my body into his situation. I put my love into his responsibility. I put my minds into his soul. Yes, I could see. I could see that he was not wrong in any decision for that I could blame him. He was not wrong in anything he did for that I could ask clarification. He was not wrong in any step of love or responsibility for that I could hate him. But how come I could able to see those, which I couldn't see so long.  Be in someone’s else shoes.