With our daily business and quick-result products, most of the time we neglect the basic care for our skin and hair. These are the fundamental routine, unless you follow them daily, your skin and hair will be damaged day by day with age, life-style and pollution. Here is some basic awareness, which needs to be incorporated in our daily routine as rituals:

1.   Get basic hygiene: Cleanser, Toner and Moisture, these 3 must be there with you on any skin-type at any age.

2.   Body movement: 30 min body movement for blood circulation.

3.   Eat & Drinks: Seasonal vegetables and colorful fruits provide the required vitamin and antioxidant for the skin and hair. 10-12 glasses of water daily and Juice will do a lot to get hydrated and de-toxicated for a healthy skin and hair.

4.   Sleep: A good sleep of 7-8hrs is very much important for the skin and body to be restored and regenerated.

We can have expensive beauty products or treatments, however, without the above-mentioned basic ritual, nothing will provide the expected result. Hence lets focus on the basics before adding extra.

We will share more on what type of cleaner, toner or moisture to be used for different skin-types in our coming post.