' Organizer - Hi, Good morning, how are you?
Model - Say ' ......This reply of yours might successfully have wasted a potential opportunity that could have changed your career to a whole new dimension. Just had typed few words more, you would have gained a huge dividend out of it. Your persona is portrayed by the way you communicate. In era of this online operation, this is only our words, which represent our image, potential and values. In above mentioned conversation, he or she should have replied in somewhat like

' Model - Good morning, I am good, thanks. How are you doing? Please let me know how can I help you? ' ......When one person shows interest, sincerity and concern for the other, then a certain degree of comfort zone is created between them, which enables to reveal new opportunities. Good communication isn't about overpraising others with sugar coated words but showing mutual respect and basic etiquettes. Though the Word costs nothing to us, holds tremendous possibility. Remember, in this online era, neither your confident body-language nor your great speaking skills can help you to create the first impression, but it is your words that would carry the essence of your persona or brand value.