Considering that a photograph is very self definitive as an action of writing with light or color, being as roughly as I could translate it, but its anything but the truth that light happens to be an important aspect when it comes to photography. It helps us see better!

Definitely by light the term is not a blunt generalization, but is rather relative and unrestricted to the artist or which ever form its applied to, cause light is illumination and highlight or emphasizing (a better term) of our subject such that the vision or the expression of the artist receives the maximum exposure and understanding. Yet again, light is not an asset limited to photography only but to every art form cause it stimulates the subject visually too. A curve, an area or a moment can have its maximum impact and a very different representation based upon the intensity of illumination and tones of light, respectively.

If we are to further elaborate on the tone and intensity, I shall take the liberty to endorse as technically and sentimentally. Why such difference? if you may ask, technical lighting can be tagged as a conventional routine to focus on the subject, which maybe an equivalent to that of a highlighter, but if lighting is tackled sentimentally, what we receive a graphic representation of ones moods and emotion surrounding that particular subject, in reference to a picture. Colors maybe neutral or pop, accordingly emphasizing on happiness, sadness, glamour or such emotions, a change in tone can determine the mood of the weather, cool or warm, take all colors out and you have a monochromatic picture, that is void of colors but brilliantly loud in expressions. Personally speaking, monochrome is a blend of bittersweet, as it’s very captivating because when our eyes cant see colors it focuses on the finer details to comprehend the picture, thus subjects to fine arts can often be most adored in the shades of black and white.

But lets not deny the colors can too be very much , simply delightful full even something as simple as a new bloomed flower or an imperfect candid of your most adored person.

Light should definitely pop out the emotions of your pictures, even if one is technically incorrect, cause art in its definition is not definitive or restricted, but fluid and free.