Nudity is helmed as a very refined form of art. Aspiring artists are made aware of human physique through nude studies. It's a serious business and dealt with great care. In the fashion industry, we come across the term 'bold shoot' every now and then, where minimal clothing or close proximity between the models are prerequisites. There is no harm in doing such shoots provided there is a validity of purpose. Why a model should shed his/ her clothes is the big question here. If for revealing the amazing beauty of the human form it's totally justified, but if for titillating the audience then it's not accepted. There is a very subtle demarcation between art and profanity. This mark should be honoured and maintained. An adept artist or photographer understands the dignity of the human form and manoeuvres the lights, shades, tints and textures to bring out the beauty of nature's creation without getting lewd.

Models are artists. Their dignity shouldn't be tainted in the name of 'bold shoots'. Fashion is a serious business where art is celebrated in its refined forms. Fashion connoisseurs need to uphold the elegance and grace of human aesthetics without tarnishing it.